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October 13, 2023

MjBizCon-Tips and Tricks from the Pros

With over 100 combined shows attended by our partners and a decade of experience, MjBizCon has become a cornerstone event for us in the cannabis industry. Year after year, it proves to be a valuable platform for networking, learning, and showcasing your business. Below we share some insider tips and tricks we’ve gathered over the years, to help you make the most out of your MjBizCon experience.

On the MjBizCon Show Floor

Trade show basics still apply. Even in the dynamic cannabis industry, traditional trade show best practices hold true.

Always Have Business Cards on Hand

Networking is key, and a well-designed business card can leave a lasting impression. Make sure you have enough to last the duration of the event.

Know Your Marketing Pitch

Before you step onto the conference floor, be clear on how you’re marketing your company. This clarity will help you engage effectively with potential clients, partners, and investors.

Establish Solid CRM Follow-Up Procedures

After the event, it’s crucial to follow up with the connections you’ve made. Have a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system in place, and a clear plan for post-event outreach.

Leverage Technology and Social Media

Stay connected and engaged during the event by using relevant apps and social media platforms. Follow event hashtags, participate in discussions, and connect with fellow attendees online. This not only enhances your experience but also expands your network beyond the physical confines of the conference.

Stay Informed about Regulatory Changes

The cannabis industry is subject to rapid regulatory shifts. Stay updated on the latest legal developments, as they can have a significant impact on your business. Attend relevant sessions and discussions at MjBizCon to gain insights from experts and regulators.

Attend Workshops and Breakout Sessions

While the main stage presentations are valuable, don’t overlook the smaller sessions. Workshops and breakout sessions often offer a deeper dive into specific topics, providing valuable insights and practical takeaways.

After Hours

Make Reservations in Advance

Making reservations in advance is crucial. Whether it’s securing accommodations or reserving a spot for a client dinner, planning ahead is key. In a bustling city like Vegas, prime slots can fill up fast, so booking early not only ensures a convenient stay but also often leads to early-bird discounts. This practice eliminates last-minute worries, ensuring you have a pleasant, distraction-free environment to make that important sale.

Strategize Your After-Parties and Events

MjBizCon isn’t just about the conference floor. The networking events, after-parties, and industry-specific gatherings are equally important. Research and prioritize which events align with your objectives. Apply for invitations if needed, as some may have limited space or exclusive guest lists

MjBizCon is more than just a conference; it’s an opportunity to connect with industry leaders, discover emerging trends, and forge partnerships that can drive your business forward. By following these tips, based on our extensive experience, you can ensure that your MjBizCon experience is both productive and memorable. We look forward to seeing you at the conference!

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