Being familiar with associations that influence and regulate the industry can be a huge asset in implementing yourself as a well-established business. Many have overlapping areas of expertise and it helps to know the nuances of each association no matter how big or small they are. Having certifications such as cGMPs or G.A.P on your website and visible to customers can make or break your future profits.
The NCIA has put together a solid list of regulatory bodies that should be on your businesses radar. For a full list read here but the following are the top four we at TheCannaConsortium see as fundamental to best business practices.

ASTM International has been around for 120 years, participating in over 140 countries and is prevalent in a variety of industries. Striving to create the best industry standard practices ASTM continues to learn and grow with each trade, having experts on committees dedicated to generating the gold standard of certifications and information for each industry to have the highest quality products and services. Their website has a plethora of information from a digital library, Proficiency Testing Program (PTP), training courses and certifications for both product and personnel.
Cruise around their website to learn more.

Everyone has heard of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, however the greatest benefit to those in the cannabis industry is obtaining Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMPs). With such a widely recognized name having certifications from the FDA can greatly aid your business in customer trust and vetted business practices throughout the supply chain. Read more about cGMPs here.
It is expected that when cannabis becomes legal at the federal level the FDA will be in charge of the regulations applicable to manufacturing. “The agency is committed to protecting the public health while also taking steps to improve the efficiency of regulatory pathways for the lawful marketing of appropriate cannabis and cannabis-derived products.”*
Read more on the FDA site at

The U.S. Department of Agriculture was and is essential in the implementation of the Farm Bill signed into law December 2018. The Farm Bill authorized the cultivation of cannabis with 0.3% THC or lower.
With 29 agencies the USDA aims to help and guide those in food, agriculture, natural resources, etc. with navigating public policy and regulation. Being aware of these regulations aid the cannabis industry going forward in creating a solid foundation in all areas from plant to product.
Check out the site for more information on The Farm Bill and other regulations

US Pharmacopeia is autonomous science nonprofit concentrating on establishing trust in safe, quality medicines, supplements and foods. Aiming for the supply chain to have reliable products through and through that can be trusted by all. With over 150 countries observing USP standards and beginning to integrate those standards into law; this nonprofit is the one to watch for up and coming regulations in the future of cannabis.
In 2016 a Cannabis Expert Panel was formed to uphold the research and data on cannabis use for medicine. With a cannabis standards reference USP strives to provide the best and newest information on what constitutes standards for medical use. Available here.
Click here to see more on USP.
A fair amount of these associations also attend many cannabis conferences and expos to provide information, education and services for your business. Check out the attendees list of any of the events this year to see if they will be there!
* Commissioner, O. O. (2021, January 22). FDA Regulation of Cannabis and Cannabis-Derived Products: Q&A. Retrieved April 6, 2021, from

Teagan is the Marketing & Communications Manager for 710SpiritsĀ® and Rocky Mountain Reagents. While continually learning about the cannabis industry and all the possibilities it has to offer she creates content for The Canna Consortium both for blog posts and social media. Make sure to check out @thecannaconsortium2.0 for all industry updates and news.